Shi’i’s influences on paintings of “Ghadir Khumm” in the Islamic manuscripts –  Archeological artistic study


Sinai high institute for tourism and hotels, Ras Sidr, South Sinai, Egypt


The research presents Shi’i’s influences on paintings of “Ghadir Khumm” in the Islamic manuscripts. The Event of Ghadir Khumm’s day is one of the most important occasions in Shi’i belief where Prophet Muhammad pronounced a significant declaration in favor of Imam ʿAli b. Abi Talib as they believed, with different interpretation of Sunni thoughts. It’s a try to find the reason why the miniaturists didn’t represent such event on large scale, in addition to analyzing the differentiating representations of Imam ʿAli b. Abi Talib in miniatures that were produced in Islamic dynasties of both Sunni and Shi’i sects, throughout exploring Ghadir’s Miniatures putting descriptive and annalistic studies by own features of their schools of art that belong to.
